While the COVID-19 pandemic has shut down many businesses, there are still a few that remain open. Many of the essential businesses see a lot of traffic through their store as consumers purchase items needed for daily life. The need for sanitation has never been more important. Our expert cleaners at Clean Care Services can effectively clean touchpoints and ensure that your business remains as healthy as possible. Here’s everything you need to know about our touchpoint cleaning service.
What are Touchpoints?
Touchpoints refer to areas that see heavy traffic and contact. This might include items and areas like light switches, doorknobs, computer screens, computer keyboards, mice, handles, registers, and various other objects. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s vital that your business thoroughly and regularly cleans those areas that see a lot of contact.
As soon as one of your employees falls ill, it’s only a matter of time before the rest of your business falls ill, too. We can help stop the spread by providing regular and thorough COVID-19 office cleaning in Irvine, CA.
Methods We Use
Our service begins with a careful analysis of your business. We’ll locate the areas that see the most traffic and contact. Then we’ll devise a plan and utilize the appropriate methods and materials to disinfect and sanitize those areas. By using our services regularly, you can be sure that the heavy traffic areas will remain as safe as possible.
How Do Touchpoints Impact the Spread of Disease?
You may wonder why you need special touchpoint cleaning. Because touchpoints involve areas that see a lot of traffic, it means that the chance of someone being infected also occupying that space or touching that doorknob is high. Since we know that disease can be passed through touching infected surfaces, it’s important to keep those surfaces sanitized as much as possible.
One single surface can infect dozens of people. Those people can then go on to infect several others. Before you know it, your business has successfully contributed to the spread of disease. COVID-19 has been shown to kill vulnerable members of society. We need to do everything in our power to help reduce the spread of disease and save lives.
Add Touchpoint Cleaning To Your Regular Business Operations
Even after COVID-19 has finally died out, it’s important to continue with touchpoint cleaning. The best way that we can stop another pandemic from forming is to take preventative measures. Touchpoint cleaning is one of the best preventative measures that you can take.
Contact Us Today
To keep your employees, yourself, and your customers safe, contact us for touchpoint disinfecting and sanitizing. At Clean Care Services, we’ll join in the fight to stop COVID-19.